Did Somebody Say Windows 10?
Yes, that’s right, Windows 10 will be with us in the Autumn.
For those of you suffering with Windows 8 (because you still haven’t got IT Know Howe to install a start menu to make it work more easily) Microsoft are promising you can upgrade to Windows 10 for free if you run Windows 8 (and Windows 7 for that matter). And why is that significant? Well Windows 10 DOES HAVE a start menu built into it, just like Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7. Yes, Microsoft have realised their mistake!
As you can see the menu will look slightly different to the one we are completely used to, but it will be familiar enough that we will get on with it.
For those that have read you can get Windows 10 for free now, we would advise against downloading this version as it is the testing version and is not properly refined or completely stable. Stick with what you have for now and wait till you are prompted or offered the opportunity to upgrade.
For those Vista and XP users who have desperately hung on to avoid Windows 8, we have to say you are still taking quite a risk. If you REALLY have to carry on as you are then you should be making plans to get your new computer as soon as possible after Windows 10 becomes available. We would prefer you to avoid the risks of running such outdated systems and get something with Windows 8 on it now, but it is easy for us to spend your money!
So Windows 10 is coming, but what happened to Windows 9? Who knows. There has been no clear explanation from Microsoft, but we’re not sure whether it really matters as it is all about how it works and not about what it is called. Fingers crossed, Microsoft have got that right this time!